A prayer in response to this week….
“Jesus answered, ‘For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’ Pilate asked him, ‘What is truth?’ – John 18:37-38
Refugee King,
“I saw what I saw and I can’t forget it…
I heard what I heard and I can’t go back…
I know what I know and I can’t deny it…”*
You linked your only life’s arms
with those who were fleeing
and those who were forgotten,
with those who were abused
and those laid bare to brutality.
From the manger to the cross,
and all the broken places in between,
you bore a truth
the world tried to bury.
You made your home in vulnerable spaces
and I need you to free me from this
prison of privilege so I can
make my home there too.
What I saw and heard and know…
make it burrow into my bones,
becoming the very frame
of a convicted, confessional life.
Repentance plus courage has
always been the only way forward,
and no cross or confederate flag
has the last word with your children.
It is what I do now that reveals my
heart’s true treasure.
Will I be an extremist for love,
an agitator for justice?**
Can I lean in toward those
I don’t even desire to understand?
(and blame from the bottom of my heart!)
Will you lift me to the rock higher than I,
transcending my outrage
and instilling in my soul’s eye
the kin-dom who basic foundation
seems swallowed by those lost
to even themselves.
“What is truth,” a fearful man
with a trembling, hiding,
hateful heart asked you.
As your answer, you gave your life.
Please, God of mercy, take mine.
* Inspired by two songs, Liz Vice, “Refugee King,” from the Single Album, 2019, and Sara Groves, “I saw what I saw,” from “Tell Me What You Know” Album, November 6, 2007
**My thanks to Jan Edmiston for her post and MaryAnn McKibben Dana for her reflection on the profound words of MLK .
This was such a destructive & dishonorable day in our nation’s capital. I am fearful we as a nation are losing everything that is what we are called to do. I struggle with people who ignore truth & bend reality. I have much work to do within myself so I can promote love & understanding. Keep writing!
Thank you, Lynne, for your response and your commitment to love and understanding! We need as much of this as possible!