A Prayer for One in Prison…

I wrote earlier this week in my Substack Monday Manna newsletter about my husband, Jeff’s, Racial Justice Pilgrimage he helped organize with a group from our community. I was profoundly moved by so many of the reflections and photos he shared from the trip, but especially the story and work of Bryan Stevenson and the…

Do not cling…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends, and HAPPY SPRING!  In my little corner of the world, the earth has turned. The air drifts the delicate scent of flowering dogwoods. My son is making bouquets of stray…

A Prayer for Holy Saturday…

I’m giving thanks today for the courage, sacrifice, and love of Jesus, and how he points us to the deepest meaning of life. I wrote this prayer for the dark middle time as we await the new life of Easter morning… Savior Jesus… I hope I would have been with Joseph of Arimathea… But would…

“Everything is your teacher” and the transformative journey…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends, and peace to your hearts in this new week ~  Lent begins on Wednesday (!!!), and so begins the journey of 40 days (plus Sundays). If you have been part…

Taking a stand in love…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends, and a blessed New Year…. I receive such kind notes when I go long lapses without writing here, asking if I am okay. I am grateful to say things are…

It’s All A Gift…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Blessings and warmest of greetings to you this morning, friends!  As I write to you now, many days out from the Chicago Marathon last Sunday, I am still absolutely overcome with gratitude. As…

The Gears of Progress

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends ~ Here is your Monday Manna….on a Tuesday. This is a good exercise in the “good enough.” When things didn’t come together to send this out yesterday, my temptation told…

Open Hands for the Thresholds…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Grace, peace, and love to you, friends ~ It’s good to be back. I’ve been anticipating returning to Monday Manna all month, but let me say, it’s been. a. month. Within a week’s…

Ask where it hurts…

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends ~ I am sending you so much courage and comfort at the start of this new week. I was going to write today about thresholds, but that will wait…

You Don’t Need to Get More Done

A version of this post appeared in my “Monday Manna” newsletter. If you’d like to receive this directly to your inbox, subscribe here. Good morning, friends ~ Welcome to this new day and morning. A start of a new day is resurrection time—time to let Jesus bring to new life in you healing from yesterday’s…

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