Friday Prayer, December 30, 2016
Loving Creator,
You are the Creator of us, the Creator of the year before us, the Creator of the lives we hold each day.
You have called us, God, to be creators too – to grace the little space around us with beauty;
to instill peace and hope wherever we may go.
We pray that we will do that in a rich way this year, God.
As we try to get our bearings for the new year we’re also accepting Christmas as over.
The trees have long since been taken to the curb.
Decorations are put away.
Our hearts are sad after saying goodbye to family, making our way through leftovers in the refrigerator, and seeing the streets grow dimmer with fewer and fewer Christmas lights.
And yet, good Creator, you are still creating!
The exciting journey has now begun!
Trees and Christmas lights and leftovers aside,
Christ is born!
Christ is with us!
The journey is in motion, being created as we go, as we follow the One born to us.
O God, the journey can be so hard, but you have promised that you’re with us and that these waters, these rivers, this fire, will not overwhelm us.
We love you and commit to following this journey with you – not knowing where it leads, but knowing you are with us.
Give us trusting hearts.
Give us courageous hearts.
In your goodness we pray, Amen.