Friday Prayer – For Eden and for you…
Today, my daughter turns two years old.
Jeff and I didn’t know the sex of our baby during my pregnancy, so we wanted a nursery theme and color scheme that would equally and warmly embrace a daughter or a son. At the time, we were in the midst of a sermon series at church on the “Fruit of the Spirit” – the list from Galatians 5 describing what a life after God’s own heart looks like.
The fruit of the spirit were and continue to be a solid touchstone for us, challenging us with the kind of life we want to have, comforting us with the reality God produces this in and through us even when we struggle to see it…
And we thought, “These are the prayers we want covering our child in this room and in our life together.”
So we hung the collection pictured here on the wall. Each day as I rock Eden, I pray the same prayer over her.
As I lift up this prayer yet again for my now two-year-old, I encourage you to say this prayer on behalf of someone you love. Insert her name or his name into this prayer. Maybe write it down on a scrap of paper, in a journal, or in an email. And let your heart rest there, giving thanks for this person, and knowing this is what God prays over you every single day.
Loving God,
I pray for your love in Eden’s life.
I pray for your joy in Eden’s heart.
I pray for your peace in Eden’s soul.
I pray for your patience in Eden’s words.
I pray for your kindness in Eden’s actions.
I pray for your goodness in Eden’s sharing.
I pray for your faithfulness in Eden’s relationships.
I pray for your gentleness in Eden’s spirit.
And I pray for your self-control in Eden’s choices.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. May they blossom in and through Eden.
Happy Birthday dear Eden…how lovely this post honoring you by your mother. Enjoy your celebration dear Jeff, Arianne, and Eden. Jill Therrien
Thank you so much, Jill!!
I can’t believe Eden is two years old already. What a joyous addition she has been to your family and to our church family! We wish the three of you a wonderful birthday celebration. What better send off to the day than this beautiful prayer. Mary Jane and Kip
Thank you so much, Mary Jane and Kip! And thank you for loving our daughter!
Beautiful thought and desire for our children,loved ones, and friends!
Thank you, Beth!