Friday Prayer, September 16, 2016


O God,

Unfurl, unclench, release, relax our souls this day.

Unwind the tangled thoughts that have trapped us in webs of worry this week.

Show us that we are not cornered in the decisions we face.

Bring our hearts, minds, conversations, and circumstances into alignment as we seek to keep putting one foot in front of the other…peeling back the layers, one at a time, to the person you’ve made us to be, to the pieces of you that you’ve placed within us.

We want to live with integrity, Lord – to be whole on our inside and outside and honest about our motives.

We hunger to hold quiet courage – to be so steady in your promises that we stop getting caught in comparison.

We need to see ourselves the way you do – beloved and cherished and totally, totally, totally enough.

May your Spirit continue to release the fear, and usher in new trust, confidence, and peace.

May we claim that spirit of “power, love and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7) today as we offer our lives to you and your purpose.

In Christ, the one through whom we can do all things…Amen.


  1. Thank you for your special prayer—I thought of you and your family today as I read Psalm 77 as one of your favorites with your father—I’m reading 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb each day and start on the first of the month—got the idea from Billy Graham many years ago and I’m into my second month of it now again and seem to enjoy it more the second month. Psalm 78 is so good for memories and shares the details of the Exodus etc. Blessings, Gene

    On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 3:33 AM, Ash and Starlight wrote:

    > ariannelehn posted: ” O God, Unfurl, unclench, release, relax our souls > this day. Unwind the tangled thoughts that have trapped us in webs of worry > this week. Show us that we are not cornered in the decisions we face. Bring > our hearts, minds, conversations, and circumsta” >

    1. Thank you, Gene! So thoughtful of you to remember our family with Psalm 77. You have continually pointed us to God’s promises in Scripture, and I am so grateful.

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